
Static Code Analysis (SAST)

Static application security testing (SAST) is a set of technologies designed to analyze application source code, byte code and binaries for coding and design conditions that are indicative of security vulnerabilities. SAST solutions analyze an application from the “inside out” in a nonrunning state.

Testing application source code early in development, but also testing current, running apps, and web apps is a vital part of identifying security vulnerabilities. Static Application Security Testing (SAST) can identify vulnerabilities in the application source code early in the software development stages, while Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) identifies security vulnerabilities in a running application.

In addition, Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) has been introduced to handle and test the frameworks found in modern web and mobile apps, where SAST may have a difficult time. Organizations need to be aware of the apps running on systems and the vulnerabilities those apps may introduce in order to prepare and minimize potential damage.

SAST Solutions

SAST security solutions easily integrate into your existing system, enabling them to consistently and constantly monitor code. This will help with the quick mitigation of security problems and enhance the integrity of the code.

Application security testing was built because when we build software and applications, security isn’t always the first thing on our minds. This is a result of fast deadlines and the need for more – which is necessary for development and innovation, but leaves many security vulnerabilities. Application security requires movement almost immediately on behalf of your team, but having that manpower is impossible. Application security testing tools take over where people cannot, delivering results immediately so that you can act.

Attackflow aims to eleminate code security flaws on development phase with its easy to use and powerful IDE Extension for Visual Studio and Eclipse. You can download and test limited versions of Attackflow IDE Extensions free now!

Application Security Testing Requirements

SAST security testing requires a few different elements to be successful. SAST must be consistent and produce high quality results when scanning your apps, it must be scaled for what you need, it must integrate application security readily, and it must be easy to use.

The best static application security testing (SAST) should work with many different languages for desktop, web, and mobile apps, including .Net, Java, JavaScript, C/C++, PHP and more. It should also integrate with IDEs.

Why is an SAST Test Necessary?

SAST tests are automated and deliver repeatable results, allowing you to break down the security hazards of microservices, mobile applications, desktop apps, and web.

Most importantly, static application security testing allows you to scale without devoting additional resources, reducing overhead. With cloud-based SAST, there is no need for in-house hardware, once against cutting down on maintenance.

Static application security testing products scan the source code to identify susceptibilities, provide reports, and even develop code fixes for some of those vulnerabilities. With application security testing tools, a certain amount of friction is removed from your applications. When building, you can test and get the answer back in seconds to highlight any areas where there are problems or weaknesses.

Some of the other tools that are available include:

  1. Web application security testing checklist
  2. SAST static application security testing
  3. Mobile application security testing checklist
  4. Application security testing checklist
  5. Android application security testing tools
  6. Web application security testing tools list
  7. Atatic application security testing tools
  8. Application security standards
  9. Web application security audit

With these SAST tools, you are able to refine and build your applications and the way you work easily. As time passes, you will be able to implement the changes automatically.